Multi 3in1 Hair Thinning Scissors
Multi 3in1 Hair Thinning Scissors are special products built with modern technology. A simple knob twisting at pivot gives three different thinning powers to the fingers of hairstylists. These specially designed Multi-3in1 thinning scissors bestow more varieties of stylings and settings to hair artists.

Wing Hair Thinning Scissors
Wing Hair Thinning Scissors unique pivot design allows hairstylists to fully use every inch of the cutting edges. Single-bearing system provides incredible stability for smoother shearing actions and highly reduces tension buildup between palm and fingers after a long period of use. Sheared hair is less likely being stuck in the gap around the tension screw and in the ride area of these thinning scissors.

Eagle Hair Thinning Scissors
The distinctive serrated cutting edges of these scissors resemble the wings of the eagles. Refined edges at each tooth are designed specifically for diminishing damages done to the cut sections of the hair while leaving fluffy and natural look.

Isis Hair Thinning Scissors
Isis Hair Thinning Scissors were developed with special metals which greatly reduce frictional force when in action comparing to a conventional pair. Hairstylists can feel a much silkier shearing motion even cutting with dry and coarse hair. The cutting edges are more resistant to wear and stay sharp a lot longer.

Sincere 打薄剪刀
Sincere 系列打薄剪刀誠如其名,有著師傅的細心照料和品質保證。該系列同時擁有長度剪控與打薄修飾剪切的效果,髮型師碰到乾燥粗硬的頭髮時,將能隨心所欲使用這把打薄剪刀。

Shiny 打薄剪刀
Shiny 系列打薄剪刀21齒加上稍寬的齒型設計,讓髮型師在完成輪廓剪裁後,快速創造出大範圍流暢的線條感,以及快速製作出流暢摩登的造型效果。

Modena 打薄剪刀

Maina 打薄剪刀

Skin 打薄剪刀

Senior 打薄剪刀

Mignon 打薄剪刀
Mignon 系列打薄剪刀比Senior系列落髮量增加的打薄剪刀,為了維持剪髮手感跟銳利性統一,特別講究打薄剪刀本身調整與刀口設定。

Modify 打薄剪刀